Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sometimes I hate camping- but it's usually worth it

There are lots of reasons to not enjoy camping- I'm just being honest.... This camping trip Adam and the kids prepared everything and I just sat around and watched, and I was still stressed out! I just knew we would forget something, even though we packed everything but the kitchen sink!
I hate not sleeping in my own bed, and I hate being cold, and I hate piles of cow poop everywhere (that's what you get when you "really" camp) and I HATE not having a bathroom-especially when pregnant.
BUT---spending time with my kids, and watching them love every minute of being outside and exploring made it totally worth it. And believe it or not, we'll probably do it again. Another thing I hate about camping. Yes, it is a snake. Right next to where Adam set up our "bathroom". Lovely times.
This is what makes it worth it. The kids played and played and played with their best friends.

Some of the kiddos. I think there were 14 total is what we ended up counting. We went with a group of friends, and we all got married around the same time about 10 years ago. It's crazy how fast we parents got out numbered by all the kids!

Kim found the perfect spot for the kids to wade in. This was right before Adam started pouring the ice cold water on top of them with a bucket he found in his truck. The kids were loving it. And I think Adam had fun too. :)

Liv was thinking the water was a little too cold for her liking.

I love this guy!


Beth Moxley said...

How many times have you told us you hated camping... :) We thought it was worth it too, even when you complained. The snake would have been the problem for me. What kind was it?? The kids sure look like they were loving it!

J.A.R. said...

Wow...there was a snake and you didn't leave right then and there? I'm proud of you!!!