Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our month recap....

This month has flown by. That was a pic of our giant pumpkin--Adam guessed it weighed over 100 lbs!  It sure was pretty- for a while.
We decided to forget the mess of carving and just color the pumpkins- and no one said a word! :)  They got to use markers, so they were happy.

Livia was a ballerina princess.
Preston was Iron Man  (He hated his costume--I think it was too hot--and refused to wear the mask. Oh well)

This was unfortunately the only other pic that we got of the kids on Halloween. The boys were ninjas, and Ella was a lady in PJ's and curlers.

I thought I'd show a few projects we've done too......burlap new favorite- super cheap and easy!!

I made a brownish one, and Ella made a white one for her door.

I got another window frame!! I love old window frames.  This one was oak brown colored- so we taped it off and spray painted it dark brown, almost black. I love it in our basement!

 My friend Jesalee did the vinyl and she let Ella come and learn how to do it for a field trip. Ella LOVED it!

Last but not least.........
Our home- that we love is for sale. :(   We've tried to stay here as long as we could--but Adam just has to drive too far every day for work. When the kids started saying, "We never see dad"--that was the kicker. So we'll see what happens. We love everything about it here---but maybe we're ready to start a new adventure.