On the way out to Government cave I spotted a horny toad lizard. Can you?
Proof I was there- in all my pregnant glory. :)
Adam and Livia down in the cave.
These kids were having a blast! (I later realized I should have put brighter colors on the boys to spot them easier as they ran ahead--"cave brown" color was not the easiest to spot them in.
Livia was having fun finding rocks.
And this is where my journey in the cave stopped. You have to army crawl for a little ways, and then it opens back up. Liv and me and our dog Max (yes the dog had to come too) waited for the others as they explored the rest of the cave. And we waited, and waited and waited. I was starting to get a little worried about where they were. In fact I ended up waiting alone (with a baby and a dog), in the cave for over an hour.....and this is where Adam making me a hot fudge sundae comes in. :) Yes, he owed me!