Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not much has changed...

His profile is a little shadowed this week. And we didn't even get one in 3D! I'm feeling ripped off! As far as updates....he's still measuring 2 1/2 to 3 weeks early. So I'm guessing the first part of September. Maybe Labor Day (that would be fitting) :). He weighs 4 lbs 11 oz right now- so she said he's going to be a good size baby! What a blessing! Hopefully he can hang in there for a few more weeks. For the record- nesting has officially started! I spent 3 hours in Ella and Livia's room yesterday cleaning and organizing, and then got out the baby clothes- so all that is ready. Today I'm going to tackle the boy's room!! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Instein423 said...

Congrats Rachael on making it this far and for his good health! I'm excited for you guys and can't wait to hear his stats. I bet Ella is SO excited as well. Hope labor goes well for you. 5 labors.. you are super woman! I'll be thinking about you!