Friday, November 18, 2011


Livia had a "run in" with the wall yesterday, and got quite the bonk on her forehead! Luckily she wasn't running too fast, or I'm sure we would have had stitches. We are counting our blessings!

The funny part is, I told her to go show her brothers her forehead, and I went with her----they look at it, Aaron gasps of course and is near tears for her----Ashton's comment....."THAT'S AWESOME LIVIA!!!! YOU LOOK LIKE HARRY POTTER NOW!!!!" I laughed pretty hard.

Liv loves her big brothers! They always look on the bright side of things! haha!

1 comment:

Chelsa said...

Ouch is right! Too bad she didn't do this before Halloween and she could have been Harry Potter as well! Ha ha. Hope you guys are well!