Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day of School Pictures....sniff sniff

This year I had an especially hard time sending my kids to school. I could blame it on the pregnancy and that I am an emotional basket case, but I don't know if that's really it. :) (Maybe just part of it) I just love having all my kids home- even though it's chaos most of the time!
However---they were super excited to start school. I now have a 3rd grader AND a kindergartner! Ella and Aaron
Is it just me, or does she just look too grown up in this picture?!

Liv had to come give Aaron a hug

This almost made me cry-- Ashton was upset he couldn't go with Aaron--these two have always done everything together. Next year year.

He was so excited to start school!

Ok- not a first day of school pic, but I thought this was so cute!! Liv just CRASHED next to Ella one day while watching something on the computer. :)


Trisha said...

I can't believe how grown up Ella is!! So exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of when that baby comes! :)

Charyl Bammert said...

WOW! You have super cute kids!!! They have grown up so fast! I remember when Ella was smaller then Liv!