Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy happy happy!

We have so much to be Happy, Happy, happy for. We have had a busy couple of weeks. We went to Washington for Christmas, and got to celebrate with my parents and Jesse and Doug. It was a wonderful Christmas!!!
Then we celebrated Aaron's birthday on the 31st and he turned 9!!
Then we had Eliza's baby blessing on the 5th of January. We had a great time getting together with Chris and Marla and kiddos, and Sarah and Kelvin and my parents. Adam's parents and Jennifer and Shawn and girls came on Sunday and we all were nice and cozy in our little rental :). 
On the 8th of January Livia turned 5!! We have just had party after party! It's helped the winter go by faster.
Here are some pictures--mostly in order of what we've been up to......ENJOY!
Liv and Preston while we were riding horses. (One of my favorites!)

These two are best buddies
 Grandma and Eliza
Adam leading Livia and Ashton on "Sunny"
Grandma and Livia on"Ruger"
 Aunt Jesse with Eliza

I love this one of Livia and Eliza
Grandpa and Eliza
 Ella has spent a lot of time at the piano!
 Kiddos decorating Grandma's tree
 Grandpa and Liv
 Boys cleaning out stalls
 Ella with Max :)
 Ella cooking with Grandma
Eliza is turning into a daddy's girl!
 Jesse and Doug.  Merry Christmas!!
 Preston and his "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" hat
 Christmas morning. I love Liv's hair!
 The only picture with me in it over Christmas- and the light is covering up my face. hahahaha
A dolly!
We aren't obsessed with Duck Dynasty, I promise. :)
 Aaron and Ashton with Max. Max has been staying with my mom and dad while we finish building our house. We are so grateful to them for watching Max and we miss him.

Playing "Blitz"

 Aaron's birthday!!!! We love you so much Aaron!

Eliza's blessing

Ella and Marla playing a duet :)
Mom, Sarah, Eliza and me

This girl is sooooo HAPPY!
Dozing with dad
Happy Birthday Livia!! We love this little lady so much! She brings so much joy to our lives.

Beautiful birthday girl

It really wasn't just a plain, boring cake I promise. She had it turned into strawberry short cake and it  was YUMMY!
We gave Ella "Fake bangs" they turned out cute and I thought I'd share. :)

We had such a wonderful Christmas, New Year, birthday celebrations and baby blessing. We have so much to be grateful for.