Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 week check-up

Preston had his 2 week check up yesterday. Not a fun trip to the doctor for him. He was poked and prodded and poked again, and he really didn't appreciate it. I don't blame him. He's doing better today though. I was a little worried yesterday though, because he had a couple of really sad cries.
He is weighing in at 8 lbs 8 oz!!! And he is such a joy. Seriously- he is one amazing boy. So handsome! (like his daddy)
Sleeping-like usual.

Adam says he looks like a lima bean in this onesie, but I think it's cute. :)

My angel of a mother and all 5 kiddos! Now we need a picture with our nephew Kaden so she can have all 6 of her grandkids in a picture.

Our first family photo. Not my favorite....but it needs documented because it's our first...with all 7 of us!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A week old!

I can't believe Preston is a week old already! He is such a good baby! (knock on wood) He sleeps well and eats great, and not a whole lot else is required of him at this point. :)
This is how Preston has reacted to all the chaos that is going on around him....... He covers his ears!
And sleeps like a baby.
Oh I love this little boy so much.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our little miracle!

After a very long 9 months of waiting........
Preston Roger Daniels ...was born on 9-10-10!!!!
He was 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 in. long. He was born at 1:03 in the afternoon.
He is definitely our little miracle. We are so blessed to add Preston to our family. He has been showered with love from the moment of his arrival!! Our beautiful baby boy.

The brothers!!

All 5 siblings! (This was the best shot we could get....and Adam took a lot! ) haha. Not a bad looking bunch I must say. :)

Everyone has been dying to hold him!

His little shirt says, "Handsome like daddy"....and he is definitely handsome like his daddy. :)

A very proud dad.

We love you Preston!
The labor and delivery went so well. The blood clot just came out with the placenta, and didn't cause any problems. It was actually the weirdest labor I've had, because I didn't think I was in real labor!
I had called my doctor because I was bleeding some, and they told me to go to labor and delivery--I really didn't want to because I didn't want to be sent home again. But Adam and I went, and they monitored me for a little while--the baby was doing fine, and I'd only have contractions if I stood up.
The resident dr. checked me and told me I was at a 7! I couldn't believe it! I was in no pain at all, and still didn't think I was in labor. 20 minutes later my dr. came in to break my water and said I was now at a 9 and he'd come back in, in 15 minutes when I had to push. I still couldn't believe it! The nurse asked me how much pain I was in on a scale from 1-10 and I told her 0! She said, "I can't put that!"
So in about 15 minutes I had to push and he came out in 3 contractions! He was a little harder to push because he was face up and turned a little to the side, but I can't complain!
So after a ridiculous pregnancy, Preston made it up to me in the labor and delivery. Thanks buddy!
I feel amazing, and I still can't believe it's over! I know we've been watched over, and I'm so grateful to so many wonderful friends and family who have helped us out in so many ways during this pregnancy. I know we are so blessed, and we are so very thankful.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day of School Pictures....sniff sniff

This year I had an especially hard time sending my kids to school. I could blame it on the pregnancy and that I am an emotional basket case, but I don't know if that's really it. :) (Maybe just part of it) I just love having all my kids home- even though it's chaos most of the time!
However---they were super excited to start school. I now have a 3rd grader AND a kindergartner! Ella and Aaron
Is it just me, or does she just look too grown up in this picture?!

Liv had to come give Aaron a hug

This almost made me cry-- Ashton was upset he couldn't go with Aaron--these two have always done everything together. Next year year.

He was so excited to start school!

Ok- not a first day of school pic, but I thought this was so cute!! Liv just CRASHED next to Ella one day while watching something on the computer. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A big sigh of relief!!

We made it to September!! This week I'll be 36 weeks according to the first ultrasound I had -and 39 weeks according to all the other ultrasounds I've had---so we're good!!! The baby is over 6 pounds now, and doing great.
I've been feeling really good and have been able to take it very easy these last few weeks thanks to my mom! I am so grateful that this miracle baby has been able to stay in for as long as he has, and I know it has everything to do with answered prayers.
Now it's just the waiting game! And we are very excited for when this baby boy decides to join the family officially! So come on baby!!